We are offering up to (15) $100 sponsorships, which will get you featured as art on our custom Coronado lotería tablas! You can choose to design your own card art or we can offer it up to a local artist to design it. Specifications apply--see below.
There are 54 total pieces of art that are randomly arranged on the Lotería tablas, all of which will feature places, things and characteristics of Coronado. As a sponsor, your company’s design will be one of those squares. While they will not appear on every tabla, we will guarantee 3 sponsor squares will be on each tabla (and we’re printing ~150 tablas, so you are guaranteed a minimum of 30 spots).
Specifications for your design:
4"x6" in size (must be vertical layout) - see more detailed guidelines here
Could be a logo, but even more fun if it's some kind of art that represents your company!
You can design this in-house and send to info+loteria2025@thecoronadoneighborhood.com, or we can put it on the sign-up list for neighbors to volunteer to design on your behalf—let us know which you prefer.
All art must be received by April 25, 2025 to be included.
Sponsorships are not refundable.
530 E McDowell Rd #107-489 | Phoenix, AZ 85004
Copyright © 2022 Coronado Neighborhood Association